Working with other Museum staff, our duties include:
- review, treatment, and setting exhibition parameters for all objects going on exhibition or out on loan
- setting travel requirements for all objects going on loan or traveling as part of an exhibition
- working with Collections staff to provide the best possible environment for the long term preservation of collections in storage
- providing conservation consultation for Museum staff, researchers, students, and the general public
Currently, we have three staff conservators, five Project Conservators, one Post-graduate Fellow, one Curriculum Intern and two Conservation Technicians. Additionally, we usually have a number of pre-program interns helping out.
The Museum’s Conservation Department was founded in 1966. In September 2014 we moved into newly renovated spaces, custom designed for our program. These include a large treatment lab with area ventilation; a walk-in fume hood; a separate office space; a "clean space" for working on textiles, paper artifacts, matting, and storage mounts; a digital x-ray suite and laser-cleaning station; a dedicated photography area; and a seminar room/library. These wonderful new facilities have greatly facilitated our work and made our Department better able to serve the Museum’s needs in the 21st Century.

Conservation Surveys