Annual Report
In 2017, the Penn Museum launched our Building Transformation project—our grandest excavation yet, revealing a new Penn Museum. We invite you to explore the 2017-2018 Annual Report—in its new digital format—and learn more not only about this transformation but also about our research, teaching, and programmatic initiatives that further the thrill of discovery every day.

The 1887 Society
The 1887 Society is comprised of loyal members and donors of the Museum who have made gifts for ten or more consecutive years are an integral part of that long tradition, and are honored by induction into The 1887 Society.

Corporate Partners
The Penn Museum appreciates the support of corporations and foundations that are committed to impact, inclusion, and innovation in the cultural community.

People Supporting Penn
The University of Pennsylvania is pleased to acknowledge donors to the Museum, as well as all of its schools and other centers, through its annual online publication People Supporting Penn.