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OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Land of the Snow Lion

Forty-five black and white images by photographer Andrea Baldeck explore the territory, often called "between heaven and earth," encompassing ethnic, cultural and historical Tibet, which stretches from the western Himalaya mountains of Ladakh (northern India), to Bhutan, the Tibetan Autonomous Region, and east into Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. Her photographs offer a compelling look at an ancient, mostly Buddhist world through portraiture, landscapes, architecture and still life. These invite the viewer to share in her personal, often intimate, journey, exploring the texture and rhythm of human life in these harsh and remote mountains, once isolated, now increasingly exposed to the forces of societal change in an ever more interconnected world.

The show is supplemented by a full-color companion book, and can be expanded to include more photographs.

Availability Currently available
Gallery Space Minimum 200 running feet
Venue Period 12 weeks. Every effort will be made to accommodate special requests from borrowers
Contents 50 wall-ready framed photographs, measuring 22" x 27".
Venues may alter the arrangement and number of images they exhibit. Piece labels, section captions, and introductory wall panel accompany the exhibit. These materials are also provided in disc form.
Public relations material will be provided prior to the opening of the exhibit. A hard cover book and exhibit-related merchandise are also available.
Speaker is available on request.
Shipping To be arranged by the Penn Museum. Venue is responsible for inbound shipping costs.
Insurance Covered by the Penn Museum
Installation/Deinstallation No courier necessary. Qualified staff at borrowing institution will install and deinstall the exhibition.
Requirements Facility report must be submitted for review before approval of loan
Borrowing institutions must complete incoming and outgoing condition reports
The borrower must adhere to temperature and light controls for this exhibit


Traveling Exhibits Coordinator