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OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Support Our Programs

What are you passionate about? Do you enjoy seeing school groups in the galleries, vibrant new exhibitions, hearing about our recent discoveries, or enjoying collections, films, and lectures online?

The Penn Museum is a place of continual discovery. Each year the Museum hosts an extraordinary range of research and teaching programs, with a wide roster of exhibitions and public and schools programs, in addition to stewarding a collection of over one million objects.

Support the broadest range of activities with a gift to the Annual Fund, or direct your support to have a greater impact on the area most meaningful for you: Learning Programs, Museum Exhibitions, or Research and Excavations.

Annual Fund

Your contribution to the Annual Fund helps provide comprehensive programmatic support, letting us serve our neighbors in Philadelphia, visitors and scholars from around the world who seek out our collections, and students who will be the researchers and teachers of the future.
Please, help provide a bright future for our past, and give today.

Support Our Learning Programs

Your support of free programs for Philadelphia K–12 classes in Title I schools can transform the way students see the past, and the way in which they understand the world and their place in it. Our programs offer a first interaction with a resource that we hope becomes a lifelong source of information, entertainment, wonder, and belonging—our museum is the whole community’s museum.

Become an Exhibition Partner

Partner with us to create compelling narratives, and engaging interactive experiences in our unique special exhibitions, conveyed through remarkable objects and the rich stores of our archives.

Advance New Discoveries

Be part of the thrill of discovery! The Penn Museum supports active research and excavation sites—47 projects in 21 countries in 2018. Your support can underwrite travel expenses for a student or team member, or advance a project in other ways.

Become a Member

Members receive free year-round admission, discounts or free access to our most popular programs, and invitations to exclusive experiences with our curators and Museum leaders.

Membership Information


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