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Penn Museum Graduate Advisory Council

The Penn Museum Graduate Advisory Council (GAC) is a representative council that facilitates student involvement with the Penn Museum and collaboration with other interested graduate students. Any Penn graduate student at interested in opportunities at the Museum is welcome to join GAC.

GAC Mission

The Penn Museum Graduate Advisory Council (GAC) is a representative council dedicated to facilitating lateral engagement among graduate students and promoting their involvement both as collaborative stakeholders within and as advisers to the Penn Museum.

GAC Objectives

  • To develop and maintain inclusive representation of graduate students from the various disciplines and departments that engage with the Penn Museum
  • To facilitate academic, professional, and social opportunities for graduate students within the Penn Museum
  • To build a collaborative relationship with the Penn Museum
  • To provide graduate students with a means to advise the Penn Museum on issues of interest to graduate students
  • To build interdisciplinary relationships among graduate students through the Penn Museum

Membership and Meetings

GAC meets monthly and any interested graduate student enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania may be a member.

Structure and Committees

GAC is made up of the Council and various committees, including Professional Development, Writing, and Social Committees. Members may join committees, though this is not required to be a member of GAC.

How to Get Invovled

For more information contact GAC President, Emily French at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Penn Museum Research Liaison, Sarah Linn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Want to learn more about GAC initiatives and meetings?

Sign up to recieve emails!


Academic Engagement Department